
Showing posts from December, 2020

Artificial stone countertop: what the buyer needs to know

Many modern designers, when choosing a material  for a countertop for a kitchen , bathroom or window sill, stop at the  artificial stone .  It is easy to understand such a choice: if you compare the user characteristics of this material and products made of chipboard, metal and glass work surfaces, countertops made of natural stone, acrylic. Consider why  natural stone is  so good, using the example of quartzite and Caesarstone quartz stone . Strength and durability The main competition for the buyer is between quartz stone, marble and granite kitchen surfaces.  Indeed, these materials are some of the most sought-after  stone countertops .  And when you consider their strength and durability characteristics, the artificial Caesarstone is head and shoulders above its competitors. The fact is that the unique technology of Vibro compression, which is used for the production of  Caesarstone , made it possible to obtain a very durable material....