Black Granite: check out all the types and main advantages

Black granite is a wild element in the decoration, as it can be combined with several other colors and elements. There are many shades of black granite and knowing how to differentiate each of them is not a very easy task, because what determines whether the color will be stronger or not is the type of stone chosen. However, granite has many advantages for luxury projects, so we have separated some tips that will help you in this task. Advantages of black granite Among the main advantages of black granite, the durability and resistance to stains make this stone the most beloved among professionals. In addition, black granite has a great facility to incorporate any other color and element in the decoration, thus adding an extra charm to everything. However, when purchasing the granite it may be that some extra care is needed, such as cleaning using only water and neutral detergent, as the other products may end up staining the surface of the stone. Therefore, informing every deta...