
Showing posts from June, 2021


What type of materials will be used in the kitchens and what should be considered in the countertops determine the long-term usage habits. Therefore, you need to take care that the countertop materials you will use are suitable for your purpose. Details such as price, material properties, quality, and durability will give clues about which type of product you should use as a coating. If you are a person who cooks very often in the kitchen, putting hot equipment such as pots, pans or baking trays directly on the counter will make your job much easier. In this case, choosing products that are extremely heat resistant will be one of the best solutions in the long run. Due to its aesthetic use and being one of the popular products of recent times, it is possible to see the use of marble in different colors in table and home accessories. On the other hand, marble is recommended to be used more in bathroom counters than in the kitchen. Capture Marble Elegance in Your Kitchen For the use of ...

Choosing Stone for Kitchen Countertop Design

The quality, color, and pattern of the stone you choose for kitchen counter design are important. It is recommended that you choose a model that is in harmony with your kitchen furniture and floor. It is possible to see many kitchen countertop models created using natural stone and artificial stone – quartz. However, the pros and cons of the natural stone chosen for countertop design, the things to consider when using artificial stone, the durability of these stones, and the variety of models are among the issues to be considered. In this article, you can find answers to your questions and more about stone options in kitchen countertop construction. NATURAL STONES Natural stones are among the durable stones that have been preferred in kitchen counters since ancient times. Let's take a closer look at granite and marble, which takes its color from nature, offers different and pleasant appearances thanks to its veined structure, is the most preferred among natural stones, and for whic...