Marble or Quartz: understand the difference


Marble or Quartz ? Generally, when a renovation begins, you immediately think about the materials you are going to and it is precisely at that moment that many doubts always end up arising. One is related to the choice of stone to be used in the project: Marble or Quartz ?

If you are also with this same doubt and do not know how to differentiate a marble stone and a quartz stone to know which one is the most suitable for your renovation, then continue reading this post to know the main differences between these two stones and so do the right choice for your retirement.

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Marble or Quartz: Main differences   

Firstly, it is important to note that both marble and quartz are stones with a design that can vary from traditional to more innovative models, depending on your preference and style.

However, it is very important to know more about the differentials of each one of them so that when choosing between marble or quartz , you already have in mind what you want to get right on that choice. Therefore, check below the main differences between marble and quartz.


Marble is one of the most traditional stones in civil construction. It cannot be used to coat external walls , as this stone has a high porosity, which makes it more susceptible to the appearance of scratches and stains.

In addition, this characteristic of marble also prevents its use in environments such as the kitchen, for example, because due to its high porosity, it ends up retaining a greater amount of dirt compared to Quartz.

Marble tends to be lighter than quartz and for this reason, it is widely used in renovations involving the lining of internal walls and bathrooms. Its smooth lines allow a dazzling effect that combines with various types of decoration.

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Quartz is a stone that has higher durability compared to marble. It also presents a greater variety of colors and styles on the market, ideal for those looking for something different and innovative, that adds value, but at the same time conveys their personality within an environment.

One of its differentials is the low porosity, which prevents the accumulation of dirt and also makes this stone resistant to stains and scratches. Due to this characteristic, Quartz ends up being a very viable option to be used in the kitchen or in any other indoor or outdoor environment, except for wall cladding, as it is heavier than most stones traditionally used in civil construction.

Conclusion on marble or quartz

Now that you know a little about each of these stones, it is easier to choose between marble or granite to use in the renovation of your home and thus guarantee an environment with a beautiful, pleasant aspect and that is your taste.

Did you like the article? Then leave your comment and tell us which of these stones you want to use in your renovation to make it look like you!

Read other blog Countertop stones: how to choose the best option


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