Today, almost everyone knows about the numerous advantages of stonework surfaces for the kitchen. We, the keepers of the hearth, choose a stone for a countertop for a reason, because we spend most of our time in this part of the house: we cook food, have leisurely conversations with friends, and even watch TV shows and talk shows. Naturally, we want to equip the corner as comfortably as possible. Choosing a stone for the countertop

What criteria should the stone meet?
The choice of stone for the countertop is of great importance because the work surface for cooking must meet a variety of criteria, namely:
- environmental cleanliness – the design should not emit harmful and toxic substances into the surrounding space during operation;
- resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion – various manipulations take place on the surface: from butchering meat and cutting vegetables to setting hot pots and pans. The material must endure all these and many other “vicissitudes of fate”;
- low percentage of water absorption – otherwise the coating will swell and deform over time.
A luxurious appearance also plays a decisive role, because today the aesthetic component is one of the most important requirements.
What kind of stone would be a great solution for a kitchen worktop?
It is up to you to decide which stone to choose for the countertop, but experts consider the following options to be the best solution:
- Granite – takes first place among the natural materials from which work surfaces for the kitchen are made. It is considered ideal due to a huge list of advantages, including safety, spectacular appearance, fire resistance, durability, and reliability. It is famous for its wide choice of design solutions and a huge color palette.
- Marble is second only to granite. Such countertops have a luxurious design, are distinguished by a long service life, and are reliable protection against germs.
- Onyx and quartz are not so popular solutions, but worthy of attention. Such work surfaces will be a worthy alternative to granite or marble if you want to use natural material but are limited in finances.
Now you know how to choose a countertop for the kitchen: what you need to pay attention to, and which natural resource should be preferred. Choosing a stone for the countertop
Need stone countertops? United Granite NJ is at your service. In the catalog, you will find a huge selection of high-quality building materials at the most competitive prices in New Jersey.

This article may interest you. Which Countertop Is Best For The Kitchen
Granite stone countertops are gaining more and more popularity due to numerous advantages. The benefits of granite stone countertops lie in many characteristics. In the article we will consider in detail each detail.
The kitchen worktop should not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also be functional and reliable. Natural stone perfectly copes with these and many other tasks.
Advantages and disadvantages of the working surface of their natural stone
Among the huge amount of building materials, granite has occupied a worthy place for several centuries. The famous Egyptian pyramids were built from it, so the option proved its reliability. Today, having learned about all the advantages of stone countertops, people are increasingly opting for it.
Installing a granite kitchen countertop is one of the best investments you can make. The design will delight its owners with an impeccable appearance and resistance to mechanical damage. On such a countertop, you can fearlessly cut vegetables and fruits without using a cutting board. In addition, if hot pots and pans are placed on the coating, absolutely nothing will happen to it.
Consider the pros and cons of granite countertops.
The advantages of a granite work surface include:
- spectacular appearance – it is not possible to meet an exactly identical design with friends, the natural pattern is unique and inimitable. The design will fit perfectly into the interior of any room;
- strength;
- durability – the product will serve its owner for more than a dozen years;
- environmental cleanliness and safety – the coating does not emit harmful and toxic substances during operation;
- fire resistance;
- the ability to withstand high temperatures;
- ease of care – it is enough to periodically wipe the surface with a damp cloth;
- the low percentage of water absorption – the product does not absorb moisture, respectively, does not deform, and does not swell over time.
Despite all the advantages, granite also has some imperfections – for example, high cost. However, the long operating period pays for this disadvantage with interest.
Having carefully studied all the pros and cons of natural granite countertops, you can draw an independent conclusion and make a decision. Experts are sure that this option is the most successful, both in terms of finances and in terms of aesthetics and functionality.
Would you like to purchase stone countertops at the most competitive price in New Jersey? The United Granite NJ is in a hurry to offer you its services. Choosing a stone for the countertop
This article may interest you. Suggestions for Those Who Want to Renovate Kitchen Countertops
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