Which Countertop Is Best For The Kitchen
Which Countertop Is Best For The Kitchen
For the production of countertops, various materials are used, and one of the most popular among them is artificial stone. It is important to know what to look for when choosing this element of the kitchen interior. Countertop Is Best For The Kitchen.

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If you do not know which countertop is best for the kitchen, we advise you to opt for a quartz agglomerate. Products made from this material are resistant to high temperatures. Other benefits include
- Ease of care.
- Resistant to moisture and cleaning agents.
- Excellent strength properties.
- Presentable appearance.
- Environmental friendliness.
Quartz agglomerate is a material that is obtained from pieces of natural stone – quartz. It also includes a binder component, for example, polyester resin.
Quartz is one of the most durable stones, so countertops made of it can withstand heavy loads and mechanical stress. The Vicostone quartz agglomerate has no pores, so it does not absorb impurities.
If in doubt about which countertop to choose for the kitchen, study the characteristics of other materials, compare the pros and cons, and, based on this, make a decision. Quartz products do not fade in the sun and do not change their color under the influence of cleaning products containing aggressive components.
You need to know how to choose a countertop for the kitchen so that you can count on its long-term operation. Provide usability.
Not everyone knows what countertops are made of. Materials for their production can be both artificial and natural. Having figured out what countertops are for the kitchen, you can make the right purchase decision. The most preferred option is quartz agglomerate.

There are many characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing the best countertops for the kitchen. Additional parameters are no less important than the base.
Focus on:
Type and color of the coating. A matte finish is preferred. The dark finish is more practical and easier to care for.
Combining elements. Parts of the tabletop are connected in different ways.
End processing. Usually, this procedure is included in the cost of the countertop. Incorrect processing will incur additional costs.
Sharp corners and protrusions. The smaller they are, the more convenient it is to use the countertop – this is especially important when the room has a small area.
When studying the types of countertops on sale, focus not only on the material of manufacture but also on the color scheme. It should be in harmony with the kitchen set and other interior components.
The white color scheme fits perfectly into classic interiors, the Scandinavian direction, modern and high-tech. With this type of countertop, dark-colored cabinets, mirrors, and pastel-colored wall surfaces will harmonize well.
The beige countertop looks soft and neutral. It goes well with rich chocolate-colored furniture. It is better to decorate the apron in beige or cream colors.
The brown countertop is in perfect harmony with light surfaces. This is a good choice for snow-white and cream headsets. Such a countertop is worth buying for a loft, classic or English interior.
A gray countertop will make a good pair with white or wooden details, stone, concrete, or metal surfaces.
Black products made of quartz agglomerate are practical and convenient. This color fits into most styles. It goes well with white and metallic details.
Attention! On countertops with a matte texture, scratches are less noticeable than on glossy ones. It is recommended to choose modifications in speck or crumb.
Always consider the listed characteristics of the countertop if you want it to fit organically into the interior. Sizes are also important.
When deciding on the height and width of the countertop, take into account its ergonomics, comfort, and ease of use.
Think height first. Be guided by the height of the person who will constantly operate the countertop. It is desirable that the distance from the elbows to the surface is approximately 15 cm. With a height of 150-160 cm, the recommended height is 82 cm. People whose height reaches 160-170 mm require a countertop 88 mm high. Higher 91 mm.
The standard width of countertops is 60-65 cm.
If you plan to install hanging drawers, take into account the fact that the distance between them and the countertop should be about half a meter.

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When deciding which countertop is better from which material, consider not only its service life, and appearance, but also the features of care. Follow certain operating recommendations to slow down wear, and simplify the repair process if necessary.
Modern countertops are fairly easy to clean. We list the main recommendations, the implementation of which will increase the service life of the main element of the kitchen set:
Do not cut food on the surface of the countertop, use cutting boards. To remove stains, use a solution prepared with baking soda. This component has the ability to absorb odors, it is not harmful to health.
Do not place hot kitchen utensils on the countertop, use coasters for hot dishes.
If oil stains appear, remove them with a paper towel, and wipe the stained area with a damp cloth soaked in a vinegar solution.
The choice of countertops is quite impressive, and each variety has its own characteristics, pros, and cons.
Interesting one. Check this out calacatta oro quartz